WooCommerce – Variable Products


How Do I Set Up Variations of the Same Product in WooCommerce?

  1. Log in to wp-admin with user name and password.
  2. In the dashboard, click on “Products”.
  3. Go to product data and select the dropdown for “Variable product”. This will give you additional options for Attributes, Variations, and Advanced.
  4. Click on “Attributes”.
  5. Enter the name to add new attributes.
  6. Click “Add attribute”.
  7. Click on “Products”.
  8. Under General click the dropdown to select the attribute.
  9. Click “Save attributes”.
  10. Under Values click “Select All”.
  11. Click “Visible on the product page” and “Used for variations”.
  12. Click “Save Attributes”.
  13. Set your default form values.
  14. Click “Create variations from all attributes”. This will add a product for each of the attributes you added.
  15. Click arrow to the right of a variation and add prices.
  16. To add color add the colors under values separated by a pipe line (Ex: Black|Gold|White) and click “Save Attributes”.

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