How To Use Keywords For Better Amazon SEO


Amazon is the greatest digital retail marketplace in online retail, reaching nearly $575 billion in sales in 2023. Within this online marketplace, small and medium-sized businesses and independent sellers make up more than 60% of these sales. Amazon’s search function is designed to connect sellers with buyers by strategically using keywords. Mastering this competitive marketplace requires sellers to employ keywords effectively, which can significantly enhance their product’s visibility and sales potential. Join us as we provide practical strategies for keyword optimization for better Amazon SEO. 

Understanding Amazon’s Search Algorithm

The Amazon search function operates under Amazon’s proprietary algorithm, A9. The primary goal of A9 is to predict and prioritize listings that are most likely to convert into sales. The algorithm ranks products by looking at pricing, shipping time, availability, sales history, and customer reviews. It is important to note that Amazon frequently updates its algorithm to match consumer trends. Be sure to regularly update your listings to ensure they stay relevant.

Though it may seem similar to Google search, which can answer a wide range of queries with a diverse set of content, Amazon A9 uniquely focuses on transactional queries. This means the algorithm is fine-tuned to optimize sales and respond to buyer intent. Factors such as effective keyword use, price competitiveness, and customer satisfaction (evidenced by reviews and ratings) weigh more heavily than they would in Google’s SEO strategy.

Keywords are a foundational aspect of affection Amazon SEO. Choosing the right keywords and employing them at the right time can indicate to A9 your listing’s relevance to customer searches. Keywords should be accurately incorporated into product titles, descriptions, and bullet points. Using the right keywords and placing them where they can have the most impact will align your product listings closely with users’ search queries, causing A9 to rank them higher in the results. 

Types of Keywords to Focus On

There are several types of keywords you can focus on to improve your Amazon SEO. In general, “primary keywords” are the terms that directly describe your product and are highly competitive. For instance, using “wireless headphones” for a headphones listing may be considered a primary keyword. “Secondary keywords,” on the other hand, might include additional features or less common search terms like “noise-canceling Bluetooth earbuds.” Incorporating both types of keywords can enhance your product’s visibility by covering both broad and niche market segments. Secondary keywords are typically associated with long-tail keywords, phrases that contain three or more words and are highly specific. They tend to attract customers further along in the buying process, thus having a higher likelihood of converting. Using a mix of primary and secondary keywords can help your listings attract buyers at various points of the buying process. 

Using synonyms can also allow you to capture related searches that may use different wording for the same product idea (e.g., “sneakers” vs. “running shoes”). This approach can broaden your product’s reach without appearing as keyword stuffing. By incorporating various keywords, sellers can enhance their product listings and improve their Amazon SEO performance.

Keyword Research for Amazon

Before you start stuffing keywords into your listing, it is important to conduct thorough keyword research. This process involves identifying the terms potential customers use when searching for products on Amazon. Identifying terms that match your audience’s needs and wants enables you to tailor your listings to match their searches, enhancing visibility and sales. 

Conducting keyword research can be an overwhelming and daunting task. Luckily, several online tools like Ahrefs’ Amazon Keyword Tool can help you uncover high-traffic and relevant keywords for your products. Other SEO tools like SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner can also be helpful. However, these tools offer broader keyword data and may not be effective for transactional searches.

Beyond using various online keyword research tools, you can use Amazon itself to conduct keyword research in several ways. During your research, check out your competitors’ listings to identify what keywords they target. This can help you adjust your keyword strategy to compete more in Amazon’s digital marketplace. Also, looking through customer research and the question-and-answer sections on Amazon product pages can reveal common phrases and terms customers use. This can help identify natural phrases and keywords that your target customers use to describe your listings. Incorporating these phrases into your listings can drive more traffic and sales. 

After you have compiled your list of keywords, evaluate their potential effectiveness by considering their search volume and competition. Ideal keywords have high search volumes and low competitive density, suggesting a high potential for traffic with manageable competition. This will help you create a long-term keyword strategy that keeps your product listings relevant and competitive. 

Strategies for Implementing Keywords

Here are some tips for implementing your keyword strategy and improving your overall Amazon SEO!

Title Keywords

Even if you have the right keywords, the wrong placement can harm your product listings and Amazon SEO. Some important areas for keywords include the title, bullet points, and product description. Your product title should include your most important primary keywords because they significantly impact search relevance, and this is what buyers will see first. Keep your title clear and concise, including your brand name, product title, and any other pertinent information.

Enhancing Readability in Product Descriptions

In the product bullet points and description, you can integrate your secondary and long-tail keywords to enhance the detail and readability of your description without appearing as keyword stuffing, which is when your listing has too many of the same words or phrases and appears unnatural to readers.

Using Natural Language

Using natural, conversational language ensures your listing is readable and relevant to searchers. As 41% of adults use voice search daily, natural language patterns can help your product listings rank for these searches on Amazon.

Monitoring and Adjusting Keywords

Effective keyword implementation is not just a one-and-done deal. Sellers must regularly monitor and adjust their listings to stay competitive in Amazon’s rapidly growing marketplace. This can help sellers adapt to market trends and consumer behaviors, allowing them to maintain or improve product rankings over time. As previously mentioned, Amazon frequently updates its algorithm, which can result in changes in your listings’ SEO, so monitoring your listings when updates are implemented is particularly important. 

One of the most important tools for Amazon sellers is Amazon’s Search Term Report. This invaluable resource lets sellers see which keywords drive traffic and sales to their listings. This report can help identify which keywords are effective and which are not, allowing for strategic adjustments. Regularly reviewing this report helps sellers optimize their keyword strategy, remove underperforming keywords, and add new terms that could potentially increase traffic and sales.

A drop in search rankings, decreased traffic, and low conversion rates can suggest a need for keyword adjustments. In these cases, try integrating new, trending keywords to capture emerging search trends or refining keyword placement within your listings.

Implementing an effective keyword strategy in your Amazon listings can make a world of difference in your sales performance. Whether you’re new to Amazon selling or looking to refine your existing listings, keywords can drive more traffic to your products and improve your overall Amazon SEO.

Let Us Help You Succeed!

At Effect Web Agency, we can meet your SEO needs and help you rank higher on Amazon, Google, and YouTube. Whatever your business goals, we will build an SEO strategy that reaches them. We do everything we can to work with our clients to make web design and online marketing affordable. Contact us for more information.

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