How to Increase Your Website Speed


Everyone knows how difficult it can be to try and navigate a slow website. Regardless of whether you’re trying to shop, read a blog, or running a diagnostic on your very own website, waiting is frustrating. We live in a time where everything is fast-paced. Therefore, website speed is incredibly important for the success of your business. Thankfully, there are several ways you can increase your website speed. And help move your company toward greater levels of success!

Enable compression

Compression produces smaller files on your website and therefore loads them more quickly. When it comes to compression, enabling gzip files is an absolute necessity. Enabling gzip compression is common practice among companies, so it’s likely your competitors have already done this on their own sites. Be sure to address this so as to not fall behind your competition. 

It’s relatively simple to enable gzip compression several tools to help get the job done. Some of the more common ways to enable compression include .htaccess, Apache, Nginx, and Litespeed web servers. 

Choose the right CDN

Aside from enabling compression, you can increase your website speed by ensuring you have the proper content delivery network or CDN. Not every CDN delivers the same service, so it is important to make sure that you have one that fits your specific needs. Speaking with a specialist is a good idea when determining your specific needs. However, there are still several common factors to consider such as: 

  • Latency
  • Throughput
  • Availability 
  • Global Scale
  • Security
  • Actionable Analytics 

Choosing the right CDN is a guaranteed way to increase your website speed. So be sure to consider all factors when making this important decision.

Optimize your images

Many websites make the mistake of using images that are far too large. Images that are too large will slow down your website and cause frustration for your users. The format is also important to consider. Be sure to know whether your website should use PNGs or JEPGs. Also, be sure that your images are compressed for your website. Improperly formatted images will slow your website down. However, optimizing your images is simple and will improve your website speed!

Reach out to a developer/professional

Attempting to develop a faster website can often be overwhelming for some individuals. Thankfully, there are professionals, such as Site Espresso, whose goal is to improve your website speed. Reaching out to a company that specializes in this area can give you the confidence that your website speed is on par with your competition and that everything is how it should be. 

Websites are the lifeblood of many companies, and at the end of the day, it’s best to have a professional help maintain them. Professionals also have the ability to take website work to the next level and can apply tools and methods that you may not otherwise have access to. 

Clean your media library

Over time, you will inevitably gather and collect more and more images that you no longer need or use. When your media library becomes bogged down with images it can clog your website and greatly reduce its speed. Take time to delete old and unused images to obtain faster page load times.

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