Preserving Brand Identity During a Website Redesign


A brand identity is an important aspect of marketing because it often takes years for a company to develop. This presents a challenge during a website redesign. How do you keep the messaging and feel of the old site, while updating and improving the overall look and functionality?

That was the challenge we faced when the Cameo Collection requested that Effect update their website to a more “modern” look, yet keep the old-time feel that was part of their brand identity.


What Is Brand Identity?

In a nutshell, branding is the look, purpose, and personality of your business. It’s your story.

You communicate your brand’s message through five key elements.

#1 – Visual Elements

For the Cameo Collection, the image of the lady in the header was one of the visual elements tying the old site to the new. An updated, color version of the old-time photograph gave the website a brighter feel. However, the classic look was maintained.

Beautiful images of their hand-carved cameos further attracted the eye and showcased the possibilities for visitors.

#2 -Style Elements

Another important part of website branding is your choice of styling. For the Cameo Collection site, colors were very important. Also, the fonts we used needed to match the tone of the site. Everything needed to be classy and Victorian. Therefore, script letters were a must and muted burgundies and ivories gave the site the rich tone the client wanted.

#3- Content

A very important part of your brand identity is the story you tell.

First impressions are important. Grab their attention with the first words they see.

You never really own a cameo, but simply take care of it for the next generation.

Think heirloom, timeless, precious… these words immediately created the impression that their cameos were special.

At The Cameo Collection, we specialize in the beautiful, the unusual and the unique.

By importing our cameos from the hands of master carver Gennaro Borriello of Torre del Greco, Italy,
we guarantee the quality and craftsmanship of each piece we sell.

The message should always define what sets you apart from others.

Remember that every word on your site influences how a visitor thinks of your brand. How do they feel after engaging with you? Were they intrigued?

#4 – Messaging and Tone

This element is more subtle. It ties into the overall impression you want to give users. For the Cameo Collection, they wanted people to know that they sell heirloom-quality pieces.

Cutesy, or flippant verbiage or images would have just confused their visitors. Every word, image, and thought needed to scream CLASSY.

#5 – An Identifier

Almost every well-known brand has an identifier. Think of the Golden Arches, the Nike Swoosh, or MailChimp’s monkey.

The image of the lady that we carried from the old site to the new is this companies identifier. She embodied the look and feel of their business and provides a visual identity for their brand.

Many times, these identifiers are more recognizable than the company logo.


If you are interested in finding out how to update the look of your website, contact Effect Web Agency. We build and market websites for all industries.

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