Basic WordPress Admin Introduction Video


What Are the Basic WordPress Admin Features?

There are 3 commonly used WordPress features:

First, posts. Posts are your blog content where your news and other articles are made public.
Second, pages. Adding pages is what creates space for your posts and other media.
Third, widgets. Widgets are the items that go on sidebars.

How do I add a Post in WordPress?

  1. Log in to wp-admin with user name and password.
  2. In the dashboard, click on “Posts”.
  3. Click “Add New” to add a new post.
  4. Enter the title of the page and content.
  5. Once you are done click “Publish”.

How do I add a Page in WordPress?

  1. Log in to wp-admin with user name and password.
  2. In the dashboard, click on “Pages”.
  3. Click “Add New” to add a new page.
  4. Enter the title of the page and content.
  5. Once you are done click “Publish”.

How do I Edit Widgets in WordPress?

  1. Log in to wp-admin with user name and password.
  2. In the dashboard, hover over “Appearance” and click the drop down for “Widgets”. (Widgets are the items that go in the footer and in the sidebar.)
  3. To the right, locate the sidebar or footer widget you want to change and click the arrow to expand and make your edits.
  4. Once you are done making changes click “Save”.

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